
What do they expect?

Do doctors think that everyone should take time off their work to be able to come to an appointment? What gives? They go and schedule my annual exam and put the time for 11:15. Come on - I work. And with the economy the way it is, if I leave early, someone else has to cover for me. Not very kosher. So now I have to find someone else to take me on that has realistic hours.

Does anyone else find that Doctor's hours are very inconvenient?


Mishkat February 6, 2009 at 9:32 AM  

Just came back from a fasting blood test (yuck!) so I can relate! My job is really flexible so I'm lucky. But doctors seem to be able to schedule kids after school - not sure why they can't schedule teachers after school too.

Anonymous,  February 6, 2009 at 6:07 PM  

I've been lucky the last few years to either work second shift or have a weekday off but if you don't...yeah, you pretty much have to give up a day of work! Good luck with a search for better scheduling!


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