
Do Cats Break Bones Easily?

You know, my husband says I favor Stoli, but look at all my posts lately - they're all about Luxor.

So just the other day Luxor was on top of the hood above the stove trying to get in the cabinet to sleep......

Well, he fell off. He really fell. He hit the counter on his side then hit the floor on his side. I held him and looked him over and felt him and he didn't budge - so I don't think there are any broken bones. I just don't get him. Why is he so clumsy and curious? He eats everything and he's always the one that falls.

He's going to die of an accident - I know it.


Mishkat October 4, 2008 at 2:19 PM  

Don't say that! (Seriously!)

Although I can't believe he tried to eat a pebble...


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