
A day in the life of me!

Not that you all want to know - but face it, you're curious

Disclaimer: I KNOW my life isn't as hectic as some of you but it's got to rank right up there:

MONDAY! (most)
5:30am alarm and shower
5:40am breakfast and dress
6:00am gather stuff for school
6:15am leave for school
6:35am arrive and set up for day
7:00am plan for the day OR already teaching
8:00am-2:30pm teaching
2:30pm-3:40pm meetings or auditions
3:40pm-4:10pm travel time
4:15pm Wescustago Youth Choral rehearsals (I'm a conductor of a choir and an assistant)
8:30pm leave to go home
9:05pm home
9:15pm read Endless Whimsy convos and answer
9:20pm start packing any orders ready to ship OR make orders that aren't porcelain
10:15pm stop Endless Whimsy stuff and sit down to relax
11:00pm bed time

you really don't want to see Tuesday....

All I have to say is - Monday is my hardest day, the other days are basically working from 7am to 6pm.....no wonder I'm behind on orders...

I'm sorry!


Meghann September 30, 2009 at 9:12 AM  

Everyone gets hectic, and we all understand! Don't worry about orders being behind, your work is so good it makes up for it :)
P.S. you won an award! http://meglittlestudio.blogspot.com/

Mishkat September 30, 2009 at 2:14 PM  

Yikes! That's far worse than my schedule - I'm a wimp! I'd have to stop for a nap at 2:30 P.M. Also, I'm sure you have to go to the P.O. somewhere in there, which makes it even more hectic!

Jake and Micah October 1, 2009 at 1:41 AM  

Wow, I'm exhausted just reading that!


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